Tuesday, August 21, 2007

No man

Joh 10:17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.
Joh 10:18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.

Notice in these verses Jesus does not say that it was man's sin that killed him. If any preacher says that their sin's killed Jesus can their sins be forgiven them? I say that would be a blaspheme; a forgivable blaspheme but a blaspheme never the less. You would be self forgiving yourselves and You cannot save yourselves. If Jesus says that you could not have taken his life then how is it that your sins could have killed him as well?
They could not have.

The very next principle I am about to speak goes totally against what all preachers have been preaching today that I have ever heard, but there can be no other answer. Nowhere in the word do I read that God is in partial control, therefore he is in total control or in no control. Which is it. There is no in between.

If your God is in partial control then your God is not God.

My God is in total control period.


God hates an unbalanced scale yet He unbalanced the scale by causing Adam to sin. HE killed men by laying the ground work. HE then proceeded to make men sin thereafter. HE caused it therefore only he could rebalance the scale. The only way that it could be done is if HE killed himself. AT that moment of his death HE then proclaimed our forgiveness. We are not at fault. We are really not at fault. There is only one little catch. We have to accept his forgiveness. Only He can cause a man to accept his forgiveness. Only God can show any man the Son. Only the Father can make you realize the the only door to the Kingdom of Heaven is through Jesus. Then from there Jesus reveals who the Father really is.

There is nothing done in Heaven or earth that God the Father has not caused.

This does not mean to blame the Father. To this I say DON'T. God will just make your life harder. Do the opposite . Worship him more. Of all the things that you should realize the one thing I believe that you should know more than anything else. In the times of trouble Praise the most High and thank Him for your troubles that they are brought to you for the purpose of purging you of unrighteousness that you may have the thing that your heart,your deepest most inner self, truly desires. A friend in the most high God who is ever faithful to you. No man or woman can give you the faithful relationship that you want but God. He is your friend whether you want him to be or not and this is also not your call. It is up to god and all things have been foreordained. Kind of Calvinistic don't you think. Maybe so but I have come to these conclusions before I ever knew anything about John Calvin.

He has been my friend; though I tried to run from him he has pursued me and stayed with me; though I ran as far as a man can run from God I could not get away from him. There was a short period in my life better than ten years ago where I said; in spite of being raised in the church' that "there is no God". That is as far away from God as you can get. And to the atheist who may read this; I do understand where you are coming from. There was no more hard core concretist than me. What I saw in front of my face was what was real. Everything else was in question or did not exist. Not that I ever said this to anyone but inside I was adamant. There was an explanation for everything. I am still right about this but a whole lot of the explanations are unexplainable. They become unprovable and not falsifiable. In other words can't be tested in laboratory conditions.

To be continued...........................

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