Tuesday, September 19, 2006

2000 pages of Testimony

Holy Cow, I have decided to put some of my journal in this blog.

If I wouldn't have let my first wife talk me into throwing away my first 10 years or so there would be about 3000 pages or . So you people wanted to know about my life. Here it is. That is if I don't get bored with doing this.

Don't know where the first few pages are to this but bare or is it bear with it for a moment..............

---planer. I didn't see all the nails and so the planer blades had nicks in them.

Well Uncle Louie was some what of an easy going guy as he patiently but with a hint of frustration in his voice told me that I had to be more thorough. So I made a greater effort at diligence and went back over the wood to pull all most all the rest of the nails.

I do not blame myself for missing some of the nails because some were truly hidden from the naked eye.

What I remember most about that moment though is that I have used this as a gage for judging supervisors and in my own dealings with subordinates and have found that people generally responded well and received nominal performance out of them. I can't say that I was perfect but I was satisfied that I had done well enough and wasn't stamping on peoples emotions .

6 Years later I again went to work for Louie at the age of 18 and though we worked long hard hours, I was again treated with respect and encouraged to produce.

It was my first real experience with wood working of any kind and I had become proficient even to the point that I considered myself a craftsman in trimming houses and a good helper and worker.

The hardest part was that by the end of my planned stay was living and working with him and Aunt Martha. 24\7 was a strain yet the profound changes that occurred in me during that time will stay with me the rest of my life.

By the time I left Oklahoma for home(Wis) I had begun to develop an organized and disciplined mind coupled with the do or die attitude I gained from high school sports under the tutelage of such excellent coaches as Jerry Peck ,Thompson, and Larry Hoff, All gentlemen but hard driven to develop excellence in the young men under their charge. All of my coaches were excellent examples to motivation and character set in hard work, preparedness and also the ability to persuade and cajole the most out of a person. Together these men taught thousands of young people the ethics of continuous hard work.

If not for God bringing me into the presence of these I could not have had the fortitude to to hang on to sanity during what was to become the greatest shock to my ideal of myself.

Though many people have suffered greater physical trauma through privations, war, and death. Even the death of my own dad did not change me as much as the incredible realization that God had some very great things in store for me and a ministry which through my own blindness would not be revealed to me until these last few months.

I at first resented my mother for calling up my uncle Louie and setting up the job for me in Oklahoma back in the fall of 1977 but as I write this I realize it was the guiding hand of Jesus in my decision to go ahead and give up the first job I had ever had, one that I was doing well in and was well liked and appreciated. Would have done well in the future in and probably been very successful in the future had I gone on to college at UWS (University of Wisconsin Superior), and pursued a career in Politics or something else I was considering at that time. Still I look back and find Jim Gotham, Dennis Knill, and Scotty Craker 3 more good examples of good hard working men.

But because of my earnest fervent prayers to God when I was 16 or 17 to be more like Jesus and for the sake of the kingdom of God to give me a witness that many others would be brought into salvation I was to take a circuitous route to today and little did I know that the witness was already within me but yet the Father had a more perfect plan than mine. I was to be prepared give it, withstand it, understand it, and completely communicate it.

My whole life has been maneuvered by my most Loving Father and to this end was I born and to this extent have I performed according to the good will of God.

The idea that one man in love with God and a desire to do his will and the works there of could blossom into becoming a sower of seed that by love and many tears for lost souls; and can make a great difference in the world, is not a fallacy but a fact when God becomes involved. Finding out that I could engage God in a great crusade for salvation is shock indeed.


Al said...

God bless you, bro.

The journal starts out kind of rough. I had a little trouble following it for a bit there.

It helped that I remember some of it, from what you said later. I had no idea that you kept a journal.

ron said...

For years and years, in fact since mom gave us those little note books so we could write in while she took that trip with dad and left me in charge the summer I was twelve. She was more worried than I was. Funny I was actually looking forward to mom leaving. Sonja made life hell for Lisa nad Teresa, You and I kind of scated. You were too young and Sonja had some real panic issues. I have probably figured them out, but since human beings even ones we have know all our live or we think we know are not boxable; freudian style if you know what I mean, I have never really approached her with them. I will not ever believe that any one person will ever fit square peg for square hole. There is no square hole for me nor any one else so we should not be trying. All lessons I had to learn by trial and error. Fortunately I don't have any disasterous results from my efforts to lament, but that is by God only. It is that He knew what I wanted and as soon as I would let go of someone he would get them thinking about what I was trying to get out of them and get it.

I do find that annoying because I would have enjoyed seeing the benifits of my works. but then there in lay the dark sentence back then. I would have proudly taken credit for changes in people when in truth it was God all along doing these works both from me and through me for his sake not mine.

No man may ever take credit for what he does because no man has the stregth to do good in a world headed for destruction.