Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A discourse between Al and me.


It has always pretty much been the same theme for revolutions. Men who covet power try to get the Government to take an overbearing stance then try to get the people stirred up about it, then try to come to the so-called rescue aka Hitler'esk The other prime way to cause a governmental change is frontal assault on borders.

To me the rest just simply dwindles in significance.

The road has 2 ditches.

Being paranoid about one or the other is dwelling in the land of heart attacks. Though paranoia is probably too strong a word yet you are given over to mild understatement.

Yet I must disagree with you in this. God is the very nature of natural laws. To dwell in his love is to truly live. If you do so then no matter what goes on around you you will know that you are on stable ground.

Fact is it is totally possible for men to become so spiritual that they disobey the very laws of nature. Material laws that is. Not that I believe that I can or can't but I have seen some very incredible things in my life that were outside of normalcy.
Of course I have selfishly not documented the things, but how can you document a person who plays the unplayable guitar or someone who can move like a wisp, or the person who was healed. What camera would you use to take those pictures. What receiver and tape recorder would you use to record the things of the spirit.

I have been thinking on another article in which I want consider the difference between God's will and God's desire. The gist of which I have to say that to tell what God's will is look at history, which will differ from his desire. His desire is for men to be in commune with him but his will for this world is Armageddon.
When we say may God's will be done so it will be, when we really mean may God bless you. May he have mercy on this forlorn and damned world.
Enigmatic that I should have any hope in this world when I have read the end of the book. God wins and no mortal flesh nor natural law born in this universe survives. All we know will pass.

If the Hunchback (I wonder if the the Hunchback of Notre Dame wasn't meant to take a swipe at W.W.)William Wilberforce had not of stood for freedom then why should anyone.

I have spent my life practicing the art of persuasion. And by some straight have found great success well beyond my apparent status. I have no explanation for this. Just God. Primarily Love of God and the Gift of having his principle's make my life.

The wiles of evil require a scalpel.

ron Homepage 02.19.07 - 5:24 pm #

Ron, occasionally I write whole paragraphs while all hell is breaking out upstairs and I need to get up there and take care of it. That's the case with my concluding paragraph in this post (before the updates). I tried to pack every thought I had in there before I had to run off. It's a very poor model of writing that shouldn't be emulated.I like the formulation "the laws of nature and nature's God," but I really shoe-horned it in there this time.I could do it over - and if I did, I'd say something completely different that better fit the context, but I tend to think that that's dishonest blogging. Better to write a whole new post.And I should, but you know how I am about "shoulds."I believe what I said. I believe God created the world a certain way and, though we know quite a lot about it, we don't know everything about that way. One very important law of nature is that politeness works best for getting...Crap!

The lady who doesn't really get that law is calling me.

Old Whig Homepage 02.20.07 - 9:58 pm #


I spent a lifetime being polite and the world loved me. Now that I serve a risen Savior the world says I am not polite.I didn't really change much, just that.

I don't owe the world polite. Just the truth. The world hates the truth because the world is condemned and therefore hates truth and the spirit of it, that is the truth. That is the "scalple".

I don't care if they think I am impolite because the world does not own me. What I care about is am I telling it what it is supposed to be told by God. Of course then I suppose that sounds like I am saying that I am God which I will not say because I am not.

What I do say is that God owns everything, and I mean in an all encompassing every atom and photon.
That includes every thing that is me. If that is so then I could never be God but in essence and absolute truth God is me. The only thing left to do then is for a human (any human)to admit that God owns them and not the other way around. In fact it is in error when I hear Christians say they have God when the exact opposite is true.

And finally Jesus was not polite to the religious leaders of his day. He called them what they were, the opposites of who they professed to be. He did not call them Sons of God. He called them Sons of the chief of Demons, that worm Satin. Was that polite? The world would say no. I say it was in their best interest. No one else was telling them. He was giving them a chance to re-examine their lives and repent. You could say that for all of the so-called impoliteness that I proffer I am actually showing people that God truly Loves them by telling them the truth, giving them a chance to repent that they may be saved for ever. By popping a flashbulb of truth in their proverbial mental faces.

I am actually holding back compared to Jesus-or am I?

People should not be praying that we should be more like Jesus and all those prayers that I should be more like him.....well they came true. The right prayer is we should be like he said we should-be, "little lambs". Never the less the die is cast.Mans missing the bulls eye otherwise known as sin has almost accumulated to it's fullness and God's terrible judgement and retribution is less than a cosmological hairs width away. Nothing short of 6.5 billion people on earth accepting Jesus, dawning sack cloth, pouring ashes on their head, fasting and sitting morosely in repentance will do. Then maybe God would delay. That is all that Nineveh earned. A 150 year delay.The alternative is well...somewhere between 3 and 5 billion dead by my guess-timates.You can't say I didn't try to warn people.

BTW I haven't seen that guy who stands on the street corner of NY city with the 'Doomsday is coming' sign. Maybe I should go there and take his place since people think I am being a nut about this, and scaring or annoying the crap out of people with this stuff.

You know what? I don't care what the world thinks about me.

You know wh

ron Homepage 02.21.07 - 6:45 am #

That last sentence is supposed to read,

You know who I learned that from?Mom.

ron Homepage 02.21.07 - 6:50 am #

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