Sunday, March 18, 2007

Dull Ears

I have once written in my previous site that Jesus says:

Mat 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.

This being so then preachers who preach saying that we are no longer under the law are wrong!
Why then do preachers of the Gospel marvel when the congregations ears are dull of hearing?

They want people to be like Jesus but Jesus never preached against the law of Moses. Not only that but he was in perfect obedience to it.

Preaching sermons against the Law and the prophets and then wishing that the people would be more like Jesus is a contradiction in terms and may be the primary reason the body of believers does not grow as fast as it could.

Never the less the will of the Father be done.

You preachers would not be preaching against the law and the prophets if it were not the Will of God and I would not be telling you that you were preaching against the Law and the prophets wrongfully if it were not Gods will but truly what is God's desire for us in this matter. To obey the law just as his Son Jesus did and preach not against it like Paul the Apostle did.

Paul said it this way."We are no longer under the law". Ooops. I don't think he could quite figure out why he was so pestered by a buffetting demon. Mhaha. That is why! We recognized Paul as the first 2nd teer Christian evangilist and apostle given even the power to raise the dead but what a booboo.

My question is do you want to follow Jesus and do what he did or do you want to follow Paul.
You could be a Christian or you could be a Paulsian. Mhahahaha.

I think I'll be a Christian.


That tickles me.

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