Monday, April 23, 2007

Keep your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer

Bull crap.

I just happen to be one of those little exceptions to this little pile of crap.

People that think that they could control their enemies by being buddy buddy with them must want to live a miserable life.

How much misery can it be to be so close to someone you hate and despise? You would have to endure the hatred all the time.

I suppose that you think that I would go out of my way to make your life miserable but I wouldn't. Not worth my time or energy. I just keep on being as good as I can be to people mostly and frankly it takes to much emotional effort to do things that you know for sure others would not like. It is easy to be nice and hard to be mean. I guess you might say that I have lived the easy life all my life.
For you who want to be next to your enemies. If you love life as much as you say then why are making others miserable.

Don't you people know what peace of mind really is? Do you know how bad it is for your health to continuously subject yourself to such a high level of emotional trauma. Do you think you will live to be What,? maybe 80, 90 years old. Spry old person maybe? NOT!

I would bet that hatred costs you people 20 or more years of your lives. Your bodies were not designed to live like that constantly.

My son loves this word. Amazing. Simply amazing for people who want so much to live to spend so much of their life in more ways than one.... hating.


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