Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Why did the lonely Gunman kill?

Because people make it a sin to be alone, and instead of including lonely people or being nice or good to a lonely person they practice the art of ostracizing a lonely person,which only strengthens their beliefs that the world they know is evil and in need of destruction.

I have read several articles recently as have many other people but what I see is a subliminal demonizing of loners.

If I were going to speculate about that football I would have to say the primary background of this is that Jesus was a loner.

Jesus was the ultimate anomaly in this world and his followers after him are anomalies. Jesus loved unconditionally. No strings attached. In fact he died for the world. He died so that the world might be saved.

Are you willing to die for the world?

My wife was looking over my shoulder just now and in the next few moments told me that people around him tried to get him involved in activities and to include him. She told me that he didn't bite.

Maybe they didn't realize that he was possibly a victim. This world is incredibly cruel to victims. Victims become the most sensitive of people and will shell up much more easily than non victims. Their fight or flight systems are in; so to speak, defcon states at all times. They never really come out of them. No psychologist has ever truly figured out how to help these people. No set by the book method really exists but I do know of one real way to help ease their pain. Unconditional love. And I do know of one true person who has showed the most unconditional love. Jesus.

The best course to take with a person who is a loner is unconditional love. Not unconditional acceptance. Love. To show that you have to be literally unconditional love yourself because a victim can tell if a person is faking it. They have this very innate ability to judge whether a person is lying or not, so you cannot just up and say to them "I love you man". They will look at you like you are nuts. But if your life exudes unconditional love they will see this and know this. If you live what you say, they will also see it, and if you will give them some hope in that they are good enough to God then they will be encouraged to seek Life and Love not believing any more that it and they should be destroyed. They may never become the social people you want and people should not demand that all people be sociable. These beliefs on the part of men are also the cause of most of these people going on deadly rampages.

What then are people to do for a person who is self casting themselves. That is being a hermit in the midst of a crowd? Love crosses all barriers and bridges all gulfs no matter how immensely infinite. You won't be able to get to near to them physically but you can Love them.

I have a knack for befriending stray cat's. You can't go out and just catch a cat. If you try they will slice and dice you. Been there dumb that. Think of Love as food. I set them some food and then remove my self even from site. In fact I won't even watch them for many days. As they get used to the food being there and used to my scent. Then maybe I will talk to them. In time they come up to me of their own accord. I never do anything to them and forever I have to be gentle with them but you know what? I like being gentle with them. I yearn for it. The stray cat and I literally become friends and allies.

Did you know that that is the way God is with us? Coaxing us with Love. Feeding us but not watching us until we trust him explicitly. Becoming our friend and ally. Always being gentle with us. He yearns too wrap his loving protective arms around us.

Why can't you people ever get this principle? If God ever truly forced himself on us in the truth of his power we would never be able to count him as friend and ally. We would just be surfs. That is not God's desire for us and if God has provided an example by doing for us and being for us why then are we not doing the same for the lonely strays in mankind we meet?

Stop treating the strays in mankind a pariahs and start treating them with the Love that is of God. If I can get this stupid decrepit world to do this then let's see if God won't bless it instead of curse it.

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