Saturday, June 30, 2007

After further review

Why did the American people throw a fit about the new illegal immigration law.

The amnesty part was the stickler that pricked the American people. For one thing listening to the news during the wrangling process I personally got the distinct feeling that the-crooked powers that be-were already figuring out ways to make this legislation null by conniving.

The Democrats act like they are afraid to seal our Borders. And since they are sitting up there in Washington nice and safe what or who would they be afraid of?

I and most others have long since known that the whole process has been co-opted in favor of money. And the only monetary gains had by having a broken border are all illegal. Drugs and humans. The drugs destroy our children and the illegals are exploited by crooked business men.
And I assure you the lack of a fence has not gone unnoticed by terrorists.

Without a viable fence between Mexico and the U.S. both Mexico and the U.S. lose. The Mexicans loose some of there best workers and the U.S. looses jobs to a cheap exploited illegal work force.

For as long as I can remember I have been opposite Ted Kennedy on Damn near everything but recently he made a statement that I have to hand to him. Ted says I do not understand why the American people would not want to secure our border with the Mexico.

The American people do want to close our Border but because the courts and law enforcement have obviously gone nuts it pisses them off that someone else would get amnesty for breaking a law when the legal citizens of this land would not. And the idea of making their workplace an enforcer in this problem rankled there sensibilities.

They ain't wrong. While legitimate employers would have had more law mandated paperwork piled on them increasing costs; forcing upon them something that does not increase productivity, and consequently to balance the scale made cost reductions else where, and also forced to be the eyes and ears of the almighty Government. Also; it would as a token, increased the number of employers that would have opted out of this country rather than continue to work in a more restricted environment. All of which would have only cost the United States money, restricted freedom, and put the law abiding citizens under a microscope. Not the way we were raised.

And as is always, instead of giving the people a tool with which to to help them govern they would be giving the corrupt a tool to discriminate with. And we all know that our employers will just make arbitrary decisions that would be detrimental to our own goals and well being. Employers in this country have somehow got it in there heads that they are God to the employees. And that pisses me off. They ain't God any more than money is . The more they have tried to supplant God the more they have been reaping his ire.

The Bible puts it this way. To whom much is given much is expected. And how well I know that one. Also Jesus says: if you would be greatest then you have to become least.

Mat 18:4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Mat 23:11 But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

You have to serve all. If you have been given a a good business then you have also been made subservient to not only God but literally to the customers and the employees. Rebel against any of those three and smack. Lie to any of them and....I would say ask Ken Ley but his lying ultimately cost him his life. He burned all three his wife is trying to keep her lifestyle. How absurd. Makes you wonder if his wife wasn't the driving force behind his greed.

As usual I digress.

Back to the Fence.

The simplest most economically viable option is to build a fence and man the Border. No God damned strings. Because strings attached to that border wall is simply god damned literally. And don't confuse this nation with a city.

We are a nation and not a city and we can fence up our border. Any prophet who wishes to argue the point can meet me on the battle field and we will settle it with swords. I say lets fight for it and let God decide. No quarter will be given nor none asked.

For the rest of you if you don't understand what I just said do not make anything out of it. To you it is just nut rag stuff anyway.

As to the rejection of the law. The play stands as called. It was a bad law. The timeout is charged might just be able to figure out who.

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