Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I hope our economy is compartmentalized enough

How many other sectors of our economy can take bad hits before it crashes. Looks like Bonds are a problem endangering the bond half of the investment /bond sector. That would be two elements of our U.S. economy in a state of trauma right now. Fortunately it is still a big secret as to what makes our economy tick.

This can be found at MSN Money.

How big and destructive could that avalanche be? Think of just this one example: The safe Treasury market took a hit of 10.5% in the four-week May panic. That's a 10.5% loss in the most liquid, accurately priced debt market in the world. Think an illiquid market with prices that only exist in computer models will do better?

And this.

Mortgage meltdown still hampers stocks.

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