Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sir Isasc Newton religious?

Newton Papers Reveal Apocalypse Calculation according to AOL news today Documents Shed Light on Scientist's Religious Beliefs. This story filed by MATTI FRIEDMAN with Associated Press.

"JERUSALEM (June 18) - Three-century-old manuscripts by Isaac Newton calculating the exact date of the apocalypse, detailing the precise dimensions of the ancient temple in Jerusalem and interpreting passages of the Bible - exhibited this week for the first time - lay bare the little-known religious intensity of a man many consider history's greatest scientist".

That gets the WOW from me. Are these papers real?

Anyway if so then Sir Isaac nearly perfectly agrees with me. Only one thing he left out of his calculations and the following versus are the ones I use to support my reasoning.

Gen 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.

Mat 24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

Jesus saying to his disciples that the tribulation and troubles shall come before a generation passes(dies).
The 120 years beginning with the resurrection of Israel in 1947.

120 years because God says mans days are 120 years.

Anyway I bet he forgot that.

Also he did not calculate in the fulfillment of Daniels prophecies concerning the Ram and The He goat. The Medo Persian Empire and Grecian Empire. You know our on going war against terrorism. Democracy vs Muslims.

Anyway I put the tribulation in my lifetime. In fact in lew of the events in the middle east I put them from now till 2020 and no later than 2067.

For more on this refer to Daniel Chapter 8.

The old statement hindsight is always 2020. Hmmmmmm. Maybe. Anyway.

1 comment:

T. F. Stern said...

No man knows the day of the Second Coming and so I'd have to say that any "calculations" made are null and void; but they make for interesting reading all the same.