Saturday, June 16, 2007

Why would I be in the right?

A man asked me once angrily; with out giving a reference to what in hell (literally)he was talking about, "these things do not apply to you"!?
The answer I gave to him was based on the fact that once I came into forgiveness by Jesus and by giving myself completely over to Jesus and entered into the Kingdom of Heaven that in truth all of the curses not enumerated by the law were forgiven me and did not apply. They still do not.
I said "no". To which he promptly tried to physically attack me. If the janitor of the church would not have been sitting there and yelled out his name"Tim"!, this man surely would have assaulted me and then lied about it.

I fairly figured out what he was saying. That he was under a curse and in that thought that it applied across the board.. It by my previous statement, does not.

For instance Honor thy Father and thy Mother. I do this. Not by mans countenance do I do this but by God do I do this. I will at the last of this article spell out how I honor my Mother and Father but for now this is about a method of finding and fixing our problems. As some would put it dealing death blows to our demons that we can be better people at peace with our selves.

It is no curse to tell the truth in that my Mom and Pop made some horrendous mistakes but all in all they were generally correct. It is no sin to tell anyone of these mistakes in fact the sin would be to not say so.

If a person would like to understand why they are the way they are by God, and to ask God specifically to fix him or herself then it requires that he be honest with himself about his life. That is not to say to relive it but to coldly reflect with out judgement or emotion on his past. A difficult but attainable state of mind not to be confused with coldness or cold calculating criminals but with (I learned that a person could do this from Star Trek) logic. That does not mean to accept himself in his frailties but as a point of searching oneself for the cause of ones own primary faults. Waaay too many people accept who they are and go out and live their lives in their faults. Not Gods will. He is continually doing a good work in us that we may be presented before him as he has set out for us to be.

What curse then is there that can take hold in me? None!!!!!!! Not one. If I will by God endeavor to search out God and be given the blessing that I should search myself that I may present my weaknesses before God and men that I may find peace before my true Father which is in Heaven, and that the works of this world are in me put to death that I may remember them no more., and that the fruits of the spirit of the Holy God may be manifested through me that mankind may know that my God is God, and that he has the power to cure man of ALL his ills.
To be a living example of He who has created us that in that great and terrible Day of His Judgement, No man may have an excuse as to why he did not believe.

The Honor of my Father and Mother

My mother and Father were tools who by whom God in his awesome plan gave me to them to raise up in the manner which He had proscribed in a plan set out before the beginning of time for the purposes he has designed and there is NO Greater Honor that a man could bestow on his parents than to be given the gift of recognizing that God did not have evil in mind for me but Good................My Parents are beloved of God and in whom he bestowed the honor of giving birth to children and all of the blessings and troubles that come with them that he may also work the works in my parents that he has ordained for their lives. That they are also presented before Himself Holy and Perfect according to His plans for them.


Why then would I be in the right? By and For God how can I be in the wrong when I live in the right? I am not perfect in this and was not given the power to be perfect but I do not accept this and continue in every way to By God correct myself. I will be exactly before God as he desires and wills and will only be given the correction that he has ordained NOT MEN.

So except for the Holy Spirit and Jesus and The Father; that which is out of the spirit SHUT UP! And I will know the difference If you don't. Got a spiritual Sword that says you won't risk it.

1 comment:

ron said...
