Tuesday, July 03, 2007

As you may have been able to tell

My new site has avoided political issues or issues of a public matter, and instead I have mainly focused on private matters of the heart so to speak.

However being an opportunist I want to bring up something that encompasses both.

The new General in charge of our forces in Iraq yesterday laid out for us the empirical evidence that Iran was directly and knowingly involved in Iraq through their proxy puppets, Hezbollah.

That is what I am talking about. The truth laid bare. This guy should be commended for not obfuscating the picture. Of course the American public has already figured all of this out but now the question should be raised, What should we do?

The answer is simple. Close the border between Iraq and Iran. Tight as the Iron Curtain. Shut it down. The benefits of allowing passage of any kind are outweighed by the extreme detriments.

I have been saying this for years. I want to know what compromise is served by allowing a wide open border? None. Just death and destruction. People who want open free borders for trade today are just facilitating the export of death and destruction. And just to be sure that you people have got what I said let me reiterate it one more time. Open borders for the sake of trade amongst nations don't facilitate trade as much as they do law breakers. Close them up people. Make the Iranians go around Iraq, adding risk and increased vulnerability, delays, and providing possible counter opportunities for us.

As for attacking Iran. We are Americans, and at this time no large heinous act of terror or assault justifies for us the need to invade. Neither a Pearl Harbor or a 911. It takes that kind of event to get us that mad. So it is just a big covert war out there for now.


Al said...

Like the Iron Curtain: anybody caught sneaking across gets shot. It's a war zone! Stay the hell out!

Anonymous said...

Yeah in any conflict the next door nation no directly in the conflict usually has the border locked up tight from both sides to prevent acidental or purposeful incursions.
If It ain't then there is a reason for the excuse for it to not be and that excuse for the reason is usually deadly.