Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Katie Kouric

Is that how you spell her name?

Has the courage to tell a news story without having to be the center of the story.

I am all for this and for the first time since I can remember I am listening and watching national news without having my attention drawn to the newscaster.


I don't give a crap about the story teller just the story.

That her ratings are falling is not a surprise to me but she cannot run from falling ratings and proud lying backstabbing coworkers. Work through it. People like my proud lying covering up her major league detriments sister Sonja would run from the ratings but the lovely Katie Koric has to stay for the sake of all that is upright.

Stick it out and see if your ratings don't start rising again,as all the shell shocked people of truth pull their heads out of their @$$e$ and return to the-used to be main stream-news media.


Al said...

Oh, you exaggerate.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

About Sonja. Were you ever around when she was wishing she was me.
She is female 2nd child and unable to compete as any sort of sibling rival.
She is fear driven, proud, stubborn, foolish woman even to this day and said something that raised all kinds of red flages in me when she said in one of the most threatening tone,s I have ever heard out of another human being. "You don't want to mess with me". Like what is she,? the God of the moon? Mhahahaha.
What? She going to get out one of her Hubbies 44 magnums and pay 300 bucks in gas and come out here and blow me away? Mwhahahaha.
Last time I was in her house it was nuthin but a trail from here to there. And a filthy one at that. And the cockroaches. I was so embarrassed to call her my sister to my new wife Karen. Junk around spells junk inside. She si so full of trash. White trash. A little trash might be explainable or normal but that mess was unexcusable. Then she had to nerve to say that mom needed to get rid of some the junk she had around. that is mote and board stuff. They threw people in prison in Minneapolis for living like that.

She has every symptom of being bi-polar.

And further if I wanted to mess with her she just wouldn't be able to figure it out until it was too late. I have always had this unique ability to break a person of there nastiest habits but it's like a seed I plant.
Further she has never had the courage to face me in a straight up fight.

Al said...

Well, I guess I don't want to get between you and Sonja. It doesn't seem like a pleasant place to be.

Anonymous said...

Oh that is just the tip of the ice berg.