Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Put up or shut up

Just gave my wife the make or break speach. These things don't go well. Only a special person will see past their own pride and find the nuget burried underneath.
She ain't special. She ain't even predictive but she is predictable.

The vast majority of experience I have had with liars is because of the 3 previous marriages.
Pathological liars have not necessarily become adept at lieing they just believe there own smoke and mirrors. They actually have in their mind justified what they do using the same template of logic that most reasoning people would use.

Stay tuned for further updates.

1 comment:

ron said...

Nope not working. She just lied 4times to a woman on the phone trying to get some medical services.

she siesn't even think there was anything wrong with it.

S--t she is the Devil himself.

No wonder I won't boink her, she gives me the creeps.